InfinityHeroes Core API Documentation


The InfinityHeroes Core API provides a set of interfaces and classes to manage player profiles, plugin data, and other essential functions of the InfinityHeroes plugin. This documentation serves as a tutorial for using the primary interfaces and classes.

Table of Contents

  1. Accessing the API
  2. InfinityHeroesCoreAPI
  3. HeroProfile
  4. PluginData
  5. DomainKey

1. Accessing the API

To access the API, use the following code snippet. This retrieves the instance of the InfinityHeroesCoreAPI from the plugin:

InfinityHeroesCoreAPI infinityHeroesCoreAPI = InfinityHeroesCorePlugin.getAPI();

2. InfinityHeroesCoreAPI

Package: de.ifheroes.core


The main interface of the InfinityHeroesCore plugin, providing access to player-related information and core functions.


HeroProfile getProfile(Player player)

  • Description: Retrieves the player profile based on a Player object.
  • Parameters:
    • Player player: The player for whom the profile is retrieved.
  • Return Value:
    • HeroProfile: The player profile.
      HeroProfile heroProfile = InfinityHeroesCoreAPI.getProfile(PLAYER);

HeroProfile getProfile(UUID uuid)

  • Description: Retrieves the player profile based on the UUID from the Warehouse.
  • Parameters:
    • UUID uuid: The unique ID of the player.
  • Return Value:
    • HeroProfile: The player profile.
      HeroProfile heroProfile = InfinityHeroesCoreAPI.getProfile(UUID);

HeroProfile newProfile(UUID uuid, String name)

  • Description: Creates a new player profile.
  • Parameters:
    • UUID uuid: The unique ID of the player.
    • String name: The name of the player.
  • Return Value:
    • HeroProfile: The newly created player profile.
      HeroProfile heroProfile = InfinityHeroesCoreAPI.newProfile(UUID, NAME);

boolean deleteProfile(UUID uuid)

  • Description: Deletes the player profile based on the UUID.
  • Parameters:
    • UUID uuid: The unique ID of the player.
  • Return Value:
    • boolean: true if the profile was successfully deleted; otherwise, false.
      boolean success = InfinityHeroesCoreAPI.deleteProfile(UUID);

void unloadProfile(UUID uuid)

  • Description: Unloads the player profile from memory.
  • Parameters:
    • UUID uuid: The unique ID of the player.

3. HeroProfile

Package: de.ifheroes.core.profile


The interface for player profiles, encapsulating basic, advanced, and plugin-specific data.



  • Description: Retrieves the player’s UUID.
  • Return Value:
    • UUID: The unique identifier of the player.
      UUID uuid = HeroProfile.getUUID();

String getName()

  • Description: Retrieves the player’s name.
  • Return Value:
    • String: The name of the player.
      String name = HeroProfile.getName();

void setName(String name)

  • Description: Sets the player’s name.
  • Parameters:
    • String name: The new name of the player.

HeroProfileLanguage getLanguage()

  • Description: Retrieves the language of the player’s profile.
  • Return Value:
    • HeroProfileLanguage: The player’s profile language as an enum based reponse.
      HeroProfileLanguage uuid = HeroProfile.getLanguage();

void setLanguage(HeroProfileLanguage language)

  • Description: Sets the language of the player’s profile.
  • Parameters:
    • HeroProfileLanguage language: The language to set.

PluginData getPluginData()

  • Description: Retrieves the plugin-specific data of the player’s profile.
  • Return Value:
    • PluginData: The plugin data object.
      PluginData pluginData = HeroProfile.getPluginData();

String toString()

  • Description: Converts the player profile to a string.
  • Return Value:
    • String: The string representation of the player profile.

4. PluginData

Package: de.ifheroes.core.profile.levelstructur.plugin


The interface for managing plugin-specific data within a player’s profile.


void set(DomainKey domainKey, Object value)

  • Description: Sets a value in the plugin data for the specified domain key.
  • Parameters:
    • DomainKey domainKey: The key representing the domain for the value.
    • Object value: The value to set.
      PluginData.set(DOMAINKEY, VALUE);

<T> Optional<T> get(DomainKey domainKey, Class<T> clazz)

  • Description: Retrieves a value based on the key and type.
  • Parameters:
    • DomainKey domainKey: The domain key.
    • Class<T> clazz: The type of the value.
  • Return Value:
    • Optional<T>: The retrieved value.
       Optional<T> optionalValue = PluginData.get(DOMAINKEY, T);
       T value = optionalValue.get();
       T value = optionalValue.orElse(T);

boolean has(DomainKey domainKey)

  • Description: Checks if a value exists for the specified key.
  • Parameters:
    • DomainKey domainKey: The key to check.
  • Return Value:
    • boolean: true if a value exists; otherwise, false.
      boolean hasKey = PluginData.has(DOMAINKEY);

boolean remove(DomainKey domainKey)

  • Description: Removes a value based on the key.
  • Parameters:
    • DomainKey domainKey: The key for the value to remove.
  • Return Value:
    • boolean: true if the value was successfully removed; otherwise, false.
      boolean successfullyRemoved = PluginData.remove(DOMAINKEY);

Map<String, Map<String, Object>> getAllData()

  • Description: Returns all plugin data as a nested map structure.
  • Return Value:
    • Map<String, Map<String, Object>>: The plugin data.
      Map<String, Map<String, Object>> data = PluginData.getAllData();


  • Description: Retrieves the player’s UUID.
  • Return Value:
    • UUID: The unique ID of the player.
      UUID uuid = PluginData.getUUID();

5. DomainKey

Package: de.ifheroes.core.profile.levelstructur


The DomainKey class uniquely identifies a piece of data within a specific domain (plugin). It consists of a domain (typically the name of a plugin) and a key (a specific identifier within that domain).


DomainKey(String pluginName, String key)

  • Description: Constructs a new DomainKey with the specified domain and key.
  • Parameters:
    • String pluginName: The name of the plugin, serving as the domain.
    • String key: The specific key within the domain.
      DomainKey domainKey = new DomainKey(PLUGINNAME, KEY);

DomainKey(Plugin plugin, String key)

  • Description: Constructs a new DomainKey using a Plugin object and a key. The domain is set to the lowercase name of the plugin.
  • Parameters:
    • Plugin plugin: The plugin object whose name will be used as the domain.
    • String key: The specific key within the domain.
      DomainKey domainKey = new DomainKey(JAVAPLUGIN, KEY);


String getDomain()

  • Description: Retrieves the domain of this DomainKey.
  • Return Value:
    • String: The domain as the plugin name.
      String domain = DomainKey.getDomain();

String getKey()

  • Description: Retrieves the key of this DomainKey.
  • Return Value:
    • String: The key.
      String key = DomainKey.getKey();